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Founded in 1971 by Michael S. Hart, Project Gutenberg is the world's oldest digital library, relying on the efforts of volunteers to digitize and archive cultural works. The project aims to break down the bars of ignorance and illiteracy (it's slogan) by encouraging the creation and distribution of ebooks. On offer are e-books covering a wide range of subjects - from Adventure fiction to Cookery, Buddhism to Art, there's a book on Project Gutenberg for everyone.
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Project Gutenberg Total Number of Books (via Wikipedia)
Now, we actually heard of and checked out Project Gutenberg some 10 years ago. While we liked the wide variety of titles on offer, many of the early releases were only available in plain text (.txt) format, which as we all know, isn't the most user friendly. The site has come a long way over the years, not only in terms of the number of e-books available, but releases are now available in a much wider range of formats including plain text, HTML, PDF, EPUB and MOBI where possible.
So what are some good books you can find on Project Gutenberg? We're more into non-fiction which explains why our list:
Meditations by Emperor of Rome Marcus Aurelius
Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin by Benjamin Franklin
His life in his own words by Benjamin Franklin - one of the founding fathers of the United States. The narrative is divided into four distinct parts, reflecting the different periods and points in his life when he wrote them.
Myths and legends of Ancient Greece and Rome by E. M. Berens
If you're interested in finding out more about the ancient Pagan gods from Greece and Rome, this book covers the major as well as minor deities. A good refresher or for anyone who has read Percy Jackson and wants to find out more about the characters.
History of Julius Caesar by Emperor of the French Napoleon III
Okay we have to admit, we're checking this one out because we didn't know Napoleon wrote books. Interesting insight on one military great's thoughts on another.
Looking Forward...
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